Source code for py21cmmc.cosmoHammer

"""A set of extensions to the basic ``CosmoHammer`` package."""
import emcee
import gc
import h5py
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import time
import warnings
from cosmoHammer import CosmoHammerSampler as _CosmoHammerSampler
from cosmoHammer import getLogger
from cosmoHammer import util as _util
from cosmoHammer.ChainContext import ChainContext
from cosmoHammer.LikelihoodComputationChain import LikelihoodComputationChain as _Chain
from py21cmfast._utils import ParameterError

from py21cmmc.ensemble import EnsembleSampler

logger = getLogger()

[docs] class HDFStorage: """A HDF Storage utility, based on the HDFBackend from emcee v3.0.0."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, name): if h5py is None: raise ImportError("you must install 'h5py' to use the HDFBackend") self.filename = filename = name
@property def initialized(self): """Whether the file object has been initialized.""" if not os.path.exists(self.filename): return False try: with as f: return in f except OSError: return False
[docs] def open(self, mode="r"): # noqa """Open the backend file.""" return h5py.File(self.filename, mode)
[docs] def reset(self, nwalkers, params): """Clear the state of the chain and empty the backend. Parameters ---------- nwalkers : int The size of the ensemble params : :class:`~py21cmmc.cosmoHammer.util.Params` instance The parameter input """ if os.path.exists(self.filename): mode = "a" else: mode = "w" ndim = len(params.keys) with as f: if in f: del f[] g = f.create_group( g.attrs["nwalkers"] = nwalkers g.attrs["ndim"] = ndim g.attrs["has_blobs"] = False g.attrs["iteration"] = 0 g.create_dataset( "guess", data=np.array( [tuple(v[0] for v in params.values)], dtype=[(k, np.float64) for k in params.keys], ), ) g.create_dataset( "accepted", (0, nwalkers), maxshape=(None, nwalkers), dtype=int ) g.create_dataset( "chain", (0, nwalkers, ndim), maxshape=(None, nwalkers, ndim), dtype=np.float64, ) g.create_dataset( "log_prob", (0, nwalkers), maxshape=(None, nwalkers), dtype=np.float64 ) g.create_dataset( "trials", (0, nwalkers, ndim), maxshape=(None, nwalkers, ndim), dtype=np.float64, ) g.create_dataset( "trial_log_prob", (0, nwalkers), maxshape=(None, nwalkers), dtype=np.float64, )
@property def param_names(self): """The parameter names.""" if not self.initialized: raise ValueError( "storage needs to be initialized to access parameter names" ) with as f: return f[]["guess"].dtype.names @property def param_guess(self): """An initial guess for the parameters.""" if not self.initialized: raise ValueError( "storage needs to be initialized to access parameter guess" ) with as f: return f[]["guess"][...] @property def blob_names(self): """Names for each of the arbitrary blobs.""" if not self.has_blobs: return None empty_blobs = self.get_blobs(discard=self.iteration) return empty_blobs.dtype.names @property def has_blobs(self): """Whether this file has blobs in it.""" with as f: return f[].attrs["has_blobs"]
[docs] def get_value(self, name, flat=False, thin=1, discard=0): """Get a particular kind of entry from the backend file.""" if not self.initialized: raise AttributeError("Cannot get values from uninitialized storage.") with as f: g = f[] iteration = g.attrs["iteration"] if iteration <= 0: raise AttributeError("No iterations performed for this run.") if name == "blobs" and not g.attrs["has_blobs"]: return None v = g[name][discard + thin - 1 : self.iteration : thin] if flat: s = list(v.shape[1:]) s[0] =[:2]) return v.reshape(s) return v
@property def size(self): """The length of the chain.""" with as f: g = f[] return g["chain"].shape[0] @property def shape(self): """Tuple of (nwalkers, ndim).""" with as f: g = f[] return g.attrs["nwalkers"], g.attrs["ndim"] @property def iteration(self): """The iteration the chain is currently at.""" with as f: return f[].attrs["iteration"] @property def accepted_array(self): """An array of bools representing whether parameter proposals were accepted.""" with as f: return f[]["accepted"][...] @property def accepted(self): """Number of acceptances for each walker.""" return np.sum(self.accepted_array, axis=0) @property def random_state(self): """The defining random state of the process.""" with as f: elements = [ v for k, v in sorted(f[].attrs.items()) if k.startswith("random_state_") ] return elements if len(elements) else None
[docs] def grow(self, ngrow, blobs): """Expand the storage space by some number of samples. Parameters ---------- ngrow : int The number of steps to grow the chain. blobs : dict or None A dictionary of extra data, or None """ self._check_blobs(blobs) with"a") as f: g = f[] ntot = g.attrs["iteration"] + ngrow g["chain"].resize(ntot, axis=0) g["trials"].resize(ntot, axis=0) g["accepted"].resize(ntot, axis=0) g["log_prob"].resize(ntot, axis=0) g["trial_log_prob"].resize(ntot, axis=0) if blobs: has_blobs = g.attrs["has_blobs"] if not has_blobs: nwalkers = g.attrs["nwalkers"] blobs_dtype = [] for k, v in blobs.items(): shape = np.atleast_1d(v).shape if len(shape) == 1: shape = shape[0] blobs_dtype += [(k, (np.atleast_1d(v).dtype, shape))] g.create_dataset( "blobs", (ntot, nwalkers), maxshape=(None, nwalkers), dtype=blobs_dtype, ) else: g["blobs"].resize(ntot, axis=0) g.attrs["has_blobs"] = True
[docs] def save_step( self, coords, log_prob, blobs, truepos, trueprob, accepted, random_state ): """Save a step to the file. Parameters ---------- coords : ndarray The coordinates of the walkers in the ensemble. log_prob : ndarray The log probability for each walker. blobs : ndarray or None The blobs for each walker or ``None`` if there are no blobs. accepted : ndarray An array of boolean flags indicating whether or not the proposal for each walker was accepted. random_state : The current state of the random number generator. """ self._check(coords, log_prob, blobs, accepted) with"a") as f: g = f[] iteration = g.attrs["iteration"] g["chain"][iteration, :, :] = coords g["log_prob"][iteration, :] = log_prob g["trials"][iteration, :, :] = truepos g["trial_log_prob"][iteration, :] = trueprob # i.e. blobs is a list of dicts, and if the first dict is non-empty... if blobs[0]: blobs = np.array( [tuple(b[name] for name in g["blobs"].dtype.names) for b in blobs], dtype=g["blobs"].dtype, ) # Blobs must be a dict g["blobs"][iteration, ...] = blobs g["accepted"][iteration, :] = accepted for i, v in enumerate(random_state): g.attrs[f"random_state_{i}"] = v g.attrs["iteration"] = iteration + 1
def _check_blobs(self, blobs): if self.has_blobs and not blobs: raise ValueError("inconsistent use of blobs") if self.iteration > 0 and blobs and not self.has_blobs: raise ValueError("inconsistent use of blobs")
[docs] def get_chain(self, **kwargs): r""" Get the stored chain of MCMC samples. Parameters ---------- \*\*kwargs : flat (Optional[bool]): Flatten the chain across the ensemble. (default: ``False``) thin (Optional[int]): Take only every ``thin`` steps from the chain. (default: ``1``) discard (Optional[int]): Discard the first ``discard`` steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: ``0``) Returns ------- array[..., nwalkers, ndim]: The MCMC samples. """ return self.get_value("chain", **kwargs)
[docs] def get_blobs(self, **kwargs): r""" Get the chain of blobs for each sample in the chain. Parameters ---------- \*\*kwargs : flat (Optional[bool]): Flatten the chain across the ensemble. (default: ``False``) thin (Optional[int]): Take only every ``thin`` steps from the chain. (default: ``1``) discard (Optional[int]): Discard the first ``discard`` steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: ``0``) Returns ------- array[..., nwalkers]: The chain of blobs. """ return self.get_value("blobs", **kwargs)
[docs] def get_log_prob(self, **kwargs): """ Get the chain of log probabilities evaluated at the MCMC samples. Parameters ---------- kwargs: flat (Optional[bool]): Flatten the chain across the ensemble. (default: ``False``) thin (Optional[int]): Take only every ``thin`` steps from the chain. (default: ``1``) discard (Optional[int]): Discard the first ``discard`` steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: ``0``) Returns ------- array[..., nwalkers]: The chain of log probabilities. """ return self.get_value("log_prob", **kwargs)
[docs] def get_trialled_log_prob(self, **kwargs): """ Get the chain of log probabilities evaluated as *trials* of the MCMC. .. note:: these do not correspond to the chain, but instead correspond to the trialled parameters. Check the :attr:`accepted` property to check if each trial was accepted. Parameters ---------- kwargs : flat (Optional[bool]): Flatten the chain across the ensemble. (default: ``False``) thin (Optional[int]): Take only every ``thin`` steps from the chain. (default: ``1``) discard (Optional[int]): Discard the first ``discard`` steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: ``0``) Returns ------- array[..., nwalkers]: The chain of log probabilities. """ return self.get_value("trial_log_prob", **kwargs)
[docs] def get_trials(self, **kwargs): r""" Get the stored chain of trials. Note these do not corresond to the chain, but instead correspond to the trialled parameters. Check the :attr:`accepted` property to check if each trial was accepted. Parameters ---------- \*\*kwargs : flat (Optional[bool]): Flatten the chain across the ensemble. (default: ``False``) thin (Optional[int]): Take only every ``thin`` steps from the chain. (default: ``1``) discard (Optional[int]): Discard the first ``discard`` steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: ``0``) Returns ------- array[..., nwalkers, ndim]: The MCMC samples. """ return self.get_value("trials", **kwargs)
[docs] def get_last_sample(self): """ Access the most recent sample in the chain. Returns ------- coords : ndarray A list of the current positions of the walkers in the parameter space. The shape of this object will be ``(nwalkers, dim)``. log_prob : list The list of log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions given by ``coords`` . The shape of this object is ``(nwalkers,)``. rstate : The current state of the random number generator. blobs : dict, optional The metadata "blobs" associated with the current position. The value is only returned if blobs have been saved during sampling. """ if (not self.initialized) or self.iteration <= 0: raise AttributeError( "you must run the sampler with " "'store == True' before accessing the " "results" ) it = self.iteration last = [ self.get_chain(discard=it - 1)[0], self.get_log_prob(discard=it - 1)[0], self.random_state, ] blob = self.get_blobs(discard=it - 1) if blob is not None: last.append(blob[0]) else: last.append(None) return tuple(last)
def _check(self, coords, log_prob, blobs, accepted): self._check_blobs(blobs[0]) nwalkers, ndim = self.shape if coords.shape != (nwalkers, ndim): raise ValueError( f"invalid coordinate dimensions; expected {(nwalkers, ndim)}" ) if log_prob.shape != (nwalkers,): raise ValueError(f"invalid log probability size; expected {nwalkers}") if blobs and len(blobs) != nwalkers: raise ValueError(f"invalid blobs size; expected {nwalkers}") if accepted.shape != (nwalkers,): raise ValueError(f"invalid acceptance size; expected {nwalkers}")
[docs] class HDFStorageUtil: """Storage class for MCMC runs."""
[docs] def __init__(self, file_prefix, chain_number=0): self.file_prefix = file_prefix self.burnin_storage = HDFStorage(file_prefix + ".h5", name="burnin") self.sample_storage = HDFStorage( file_prefix + ".h5", name="sample_%s" % chain_number )
[docs] def reset(self, nwalkers, params, burnin=True, samples=True): """Reset the storage so that it is empty.""" if burnin: self.burnin_storage.reset(nwalkers, params=params) if samples: self.sample_storage.reset(nwalkers, params=params)
@property def burnin_initialized(self): """Whether burnin has been initialized.""" return self.burnin_storage.initialized @property def samples_initialized(self): """Whether sample storage has been initialized.""" return self.sample_storage.initialized
[docs] def persistValues( self, pos, prob, data, truepos, trueprob, accepted, random_state, burnin=False ): """Save a set of values to the storage.""" st = self.burnin_storage if burnin else self.sample_storage st.save_step(pos, prob, data, truepos, trueprob, accepted, random_state)
[docs] def close(self): """No-op.""" pass
[docs] class Params(_util.Params): """Params class with added equality."""
[docs] def items(self): """Iterate through the params like a dict.""" yield from zip(self.keys, self.values)
def __eq__(self, other): """Test equality of two instances.""" if self.__class__.__name__ != other.__class__.__name__: return False for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self.items()): if k not in other.keys: return False for j, val in enumerate(v): if val != other.values[i][j]: return False return True
[docs] class LikelihoodComputationChain(_Chain): """Feature-laden replacement of :class:`cosmoHammer.LikelihoodComputationChain`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, params, *args, **kwargs): self.params = params self._setup = False # flag to say if this chain has been setup yet. super().__init__( min=params[:, 1] if params is not None else None, max=params[:, 2] if params is not None else None, )
[docs] def build_model_data(self, p=None): """ For a given set of parameters, generate model data for the entire core chain. Parameters ---------- p : list or Params object, optional The parameters at which to evaluate the model data. Returns ------- ctx : dict-like A filled context object containing all model quantities generated by core modules in the chain. Notes ----- The data generated by this method should ideally be *deterministic*, so that input parameters map uniquely to output data. All data necessary to fully evaluate probabilities of mock data from the model data should be determined in this method (including model uncertainties, if applicable). """ ctx = self.createChainContext(p) for core in self.getCoreModules(): core.build_model_data(ctx) return ctx
[docs] def simulate_mock(self, p=None): """ For a given set of parameters, generate mock data for the entire core chain. Parameters ---------- p : list or Params object, optional The parameters at which to evaluate the model data. Default is to use default parameters of the cores. Returns ------- ctx : dict-like A filled context object containing all model quantities generated by core modules in the chain. Notes ----- The data generated by this method are *not* deterministic in general, i.e. they contain the randomness that is being constrained by the MCMC process. It is mock data in the sense that it should be a representation of the forward-model of the MCMC. """ logger.debug("Simulating Mock Data... ") ctx = self.createChainContext(p) for core in self.getCoreModules(): core.simulate_mock(ctx) logger.debug(" finished simulating mock data.") return ctx
[docs] def addLikelihoodModule(self, module): """ Add a module to the likelihood module list. Parameters ---------- module : callable The callable module to add for the likelihood computation. """ self.getLikelihoodModules().append(module) module._LikelihoodComputationChain = self
[docs] def addCoreModule(self, module): """ Add a module to the likelihood module list. Parameters ---------- module : callable The callable module to add for the computation of the data. """ self.getCoreModules().append(module) module._LikelihoodComputationChain = self
[docs] def invokeCoreModule(self, coremodule, ctx): """Call a particular coremodule, filling up given context. Parameters ---------- coremodule : An object with the Core API. ctx : :class:`cosmoHammer.utils.Context` object The context "dict" to fill up. """ # Ensure that the chain is setup before invoking anything. if not self._setup: self.setup() logger.debug(f"Invoking {coremodule.__class__.__name__}...") coremodule(ctx) logger.debug("... finished.") coremodule.prepare_storage( ctx, ctx.getData() ) # This adds the ability to store stuff.
[docs] def invokeLikelihoodModule(self, module, ctx): """Invoke a given likelihood module.""" # Ensure that the chain is setup before invoking anything. if not self._setup: self.setup() logger.debug(f"Reducing data for {module.__class__.__name__}...") model = module.reduce_data(ctx) logger.debug("... done reducing data") if hasattr(module, "store"): logger.debug(f"Storing blobs for {module.__class__.__name__}..."), ctx.getData()) logger.debug("... done storing blobs.") logger.debug(f"Computing Likelihood for {module.__class__.__name__}...") lnl = module.computeLikelihood(model) logger.debug(f"... done computing likelihood (lnl = {lnl}") return lnl
def __call__(self, p): """Call the full likelihood chain.""" # Need to do Garbage Collection explicitly to kill the circular # refs that are in the this chain. gc.collect(2) try: return super().__call__(p) except ParameterError: return -np.inf, []
[docs] def createChainContext(self, p=None): """Returns a new instance of a chain context.""" if p is None: p = {} try: p = Params(*zip(self.params.keys, p)) except Exception: # no params or params has no keys pass return ChainContext(self, p)
[docs] def setup(self): """Run the setup of all cores and likelihoods.""" if not self._setup: for cModule in self.getCoreModules(): if hasattr(cModule, "setup"): cModule.setup() cModule._is_setup = True for cModule in self.getLikelihoodModules(): if hasattr(cModule, "setup"): cModule.setup() cModule._is_setup = True self._setup = True else: warnings.warn( "Attempting to setup LikelihoodComputationChain when it is already setup! " "Ignoring..." )
def __eq__(self, other): """Check equality with another :class:`LikelihoodComputationChain`.""" if self.__class__.__name__ != other.__class__.__name__: return False if self.params != other.params: return False for thisc, thatc in zip(self.getCoreModules(), other.getCoreModules()): if thisc != thatc: return False return all( thisc == thatc for thisc, thatc in zip( self.getLikelihoodModules(), other.getLikelihoodModules() ) )
[docs] class CosmoHammerSampler(_CosmoHammerSampler): """Upgraded :class:`cosmoHammer.CosmoHammerSampler` with the ability to continue sampling."""
[docs] def __init__( self, likelihoodComputationChain, continue_sampling=False, log_level_stream=logging.ERROR, max_init_attempts=100, *args, **kwargs, ): self.continue_sampling = continue_sampling self._log_level_stream = log_level_stream super().__init__( params=likelihoodComputationChain.params, likelihoodComputationChain=likelihoodComputationChain, *args, **kwargs, ) self.max_init_attempts = max_init_attempts if not self.reuseBurnin: self.storageUtil.reset(self.nwalkers, self.params) if not continue_sampling: self.storageUtil.reset(self.nwalkers, self.params, burnin=False) if not self.storageUtil.burnin_initialized: self.storageUtil.reset( self.nwalkers, self.params, burnin=True, samples=False ) if not self.storageUtil.samples_initialized: self.storageUtil.reset( self.nwalkers, self.params, burnin=False, samples=True ) "" if self.storageUtil.burnin_storage.iteration >= self.burninIterations: self.log("all burnin iterations already completed") if ( self.storageUtil.sample_storage.iteration > 0 and self.storageUtil.burnin_storage.iteration < self.burninIterations ): self.log( "resetting sample iterations because more burnin iterations requested." ) self.storageUtil.reset(self.nwalkers, self.params, burnin=False) if self.storageUtil.sample_storage.iteration >= self.sampleIterations: raise ValueError( "All Samples have already been completed. Try with continue_sampling=False." )
def _configureLogging(self, filename, logLevel): super()._configureLogging(filename, logLevel) logger = getLogger() logger.setLevel(logLevel) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(self._log_level_stream) # create formatter and add it to the handlers formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch)
[docs] def startSampling(self): """Launch the sampling.""" try: if self.isMaster(): self.log(self.__str__()) prob = None rstate = None datas = None pos = None if self.storageUtil.burnin_storage.iteration < self.burninIterations: if self.burninIterations: if self.storageUtil.burnin_storage.iteration: pos, prob, rstate, datas = self.loadBurnin() if ( self.storageUtil.burnin_storage.iteration < self.burninIterations ): pos, prob, rstate, datas = self.startSampleBurnin( pos, prob, rstate, datas ) else: pos = self.createInitPos() else: if self.storageUtil.sample_storage.iteration: pos, prob, rstate, datas = self.loadSamples() else: pos = self.createInitPos() # Starting from the final position in the burn-in chain, start sampling. self.log("start sampling after burn in") start = time.time() self.sample(pos, prob, rstate, datas) end = time.time() self.log("sampling done! Took: " + str(round(end - start, 4)) + "s") # Print out the mean acceptance fraction. In general, acceptance_fraction # has an entry for each walker self.log( "Mean acceptance fraction:" + str(round(np.mean(self._sampler.acceptance_fraction), 4)) ) finally: if self._sampler.pool is not None: try: self._sampler.pool.close() except AttributeError: pass try: self.storageUtil.close() except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def createEmceeSampler(self, lnpostfn, **kwargs): """Create the emcee sampler.""" if self.isMaster(): self.log("Using emcee " + str(emcee.__version__)) return EnsembleSampler( pmin=self.likelihoodComputationChain.min, pmax=self.likelihoodComputationChain.max, nwalkers=self.nwalkers, dim=self.paramCount, lnpostfn=lnpostfn, threads=self.threadCount, **kwargs, )
def _load(self, burnin=False): stg = ( self.storageUtil.burnin_storage if burnin else self.storageUtil.sample_storage ) self.log( "reusing previous %s: %s iterations" % ("burnin" if burnin else "samples", stg.iteration) ) pos, prob, rstate, data = stg.get_last_sample() if data is not None: data = [{k: d[k] for k in d.dtype.names} for d in data] return pos, prob, rstate, data
[docs] def loadBurnin(self): """Load the burn in from the file system.""" return self._load(burnin=True)
[docs] def loadSamples(self): """Load the samples from the file system.""" return self._load(burnin=False)
[docs] def startSampleBurnin(self, pos=None, prob=None, rstate=None, data=None): """Run the sampler for the burn in.""" if self.storageUtil.burnin_storage.iteration: self.log("continue burn in") else: self.log("start burn in") start = time.time() if pos is None: pos = self.createInitPos() pos, prob, rstate, data = self.sampleBurnin(pos, prob, rstate, data) end = time.time() self.log("burn in sampling done! Took: " + str(round(end - start, 4)) + "s") self.log( "Mean acceptance fraction for burn in:" + str(round(np.mean(self._sampler.acceptance_fraction), 4)) ) self.resetSampler() return pos, prob, rstate, data
def _sample(self, p0, prob=None, rstate=None, datas=None, burnin=False): """Run the emcee sampler.""" stg = ( self.storageUtil.burnin_storage if burnin else self.storageUtil.sample_storage ) niter = self.burninIterations if burnin else self.sampleIterations _lastprob = prob if prob is None else [0] * len(p0) # Set to None in case iterations is zero. pos = None for pos, prob, rstate, realpos, realprob, datas in self._sampler.sample( p0, iterations=niter - stg.iteration, lnprob0=prob, rstate0=rstate, blobs0=datas, ): if self.isMaster(): # Need to grow the storage first if not stg.iteration: stg.grow(niter - stg.iteration, datas[0]) # If we are continuing sampling, we need to grow it more. if stg.size < niter: stg.grow(niter - stg.size, datas[0]) self.storageUtil.persistValues( pos, prob, datas, truepos=realpos, trueprob=realprob, accepted=prob != _lastprob, random_state=rstate, burnin=burnin, ) if stg.iteration % 10 == 0: self.log("Iteration finished:" + str(stg.iteration)) _lastprob = 1 * prob if self.stopCriteriaStrategy.hasFinished(): break return pos, prob, rstate, datas
[docs] def sampleBurnin(self, p0, prob=None, rstate=None, datas=None): """Run burnin samples.""" return self._sample(p0, prob, rstate, datas, burnin=True)
[docs] def sample(self, burninPos, burninProb=None, burninRstate=None, datas=None): """Run emcee sampling.""" return self._sample(burninPos, burninProb, burninRstate, datas)
@property def samples(self): """The samples that have been generated.""" if not self.storageUtil.sample_storage.initialized: raise ValueError("Cannot access samples before sampling.") else: return self.storageUtil.sample_storage
[docs] def createInitPos(self): """Create initial positions.""" i = 0 pos = [] while len(pos) < self.nwalkers and i < self.max_init_attempts: tmp_pos = self.initPositionGenerator.generate() for tmp_p in tmp_pos: if self.likelihoodComputationChain.isValid(tmp_p): pos.append(tmp_p) i += 1 if i == self.max_init_attempts: raise ValueError( "No suitable initial positions for the walkers could be obtained in {" "max_attempts} attemps".format(max_attempts=self.max_init_attempts) ) return pos[: self.nwalkers]