
LikelihoodNeutralFraction.__init__(redshift=5.9, xHI=0.06, xHI_sigma=0.05)[source]#

Neutral fraction likelihood/prior.

Note that the default parameters are based on McGreer et al. constraints Modelled as a flat, unity prior at x_HI <= 0.06, and a one sided Gaussian at x_HI > 0.06 (Gaussian of mean 0.06 and one sigma of 0.05).

Limit on the IGM neutral fraction at z = 5.9, from dark pixels by I. McGreer et al. (2015) (

  • redshift (float or list of floats) – Redshift(s) at which the neutral fraction has been measured.

  • xHI (float or list of floats) – Measured values of the neutral fraction, corresponding to redshift.

  • xHI_sigma (float or list of floats) – One-sided uncertainty of measurements.