
Module containing 21CMMC likelihoods.


Likelihood1DPowerCoeval([n_psbins, min_k, ...])

A Gaussian likelihood for the 1D power spectrum of a coeval cube.

Likelihood1DPowerLightcone(*args[, ...])

A likelihood very similar to Likelihood1DPowerCoeval, except for a lightcone.

Likelihood1DPowerLightconeUpper([datafile, ...])

Likelihood based on Chi^2 comparison of a 21 cm PS model to HERA H1C upper limit data.


Base class for Likelihoods in 21CMMC.

LikelihoodBaseFile([datafile, noisefile, ...])

Base class for likelihoods whose data is read from a file.


A likelihood based on chi^2 comparison to Global Signal of EDGES timing and fwhm.

LikelihoodForest([name, observation])

A likelihood based on chi^2 comparison to measured CDF of Lyman-alpha forest effective optical depth.

LikelihoodGlobalSignal([datafile, ...])

Chi^2 likelihood of Global Signal, where global signal is in mK as a function of MHz.

LikelihoodGreig(*args, **kwargs)

Likelihood using QSOs.

LikelihoodLuminosityFunction(*args[, name, ...])

Likelihood based on Chi^2 comparison to luminosity function data.

LikelihoodNeutralFraction([redshift, xHI, ...])

A likelihood based on the measured neutral fraction at a range of redshifts.


A likelihood based on the measured neutral fraction at a range of redshifts.

LikelihoodPlanck(*args[, tau_mean, ...])

A likelihood which utilises Planck optical depth data.

LikelihoodPlanckPowerSpectra(*args[, ...])

A likelihood template to use Planck power spectrum.