
class py21cmmc.core.CoreCoevalModule(redshift, user_params=None, flag_options=None, astro_params=None, cosmo_params=None, regenerate=True, change_seed_every_iter=False, ctx_variables=('brightness_temp', 'xH_box'), initial_conditions_seed=None, global_params=None, **io_options)[source]#

A Core Module which evaluates coeval cubes at given redshift.

On each iteration, this module will add to the context:

  • init: an InitialConditions instance

  • perturb: a PerturbedField instance

  • xHI: an IonizedBox instance

  • brightness_temp: a BrightnessTemp instance

  • redshift (float or array_like) – The redshift(s) at which to evaluate the coeval cubes.

  • user_params (dict or UserParams) – Parameters affecting the overall dimensions of the cubes.

  • flag_options (dict or FlagOptions) – Options affecting choices for how the reionization is calculated.

  • astro_params (dict or AstroParams) – Astrophysical parameters of reionization.


    None of the parameters provided here affect the MCMC as such; they merely provide a background model on which the MCMC will be performed. Thus for example, passing HII_EFF_FACTOR=30 in astro_params here will be over-written per-iteration if HII_EFF_FACTOR is also passed as a parameter to an MCMC routine using this core module.

  • cosmo_params (dict or CosmoParams) – Cosmological parameters of the simulations. Like astro_params, these are the fiducial parameters, but may be updated during an MCMC.

  • regenerate (bool, optional) – Whether to force regeneration of simulations, even if matching cached data is found.

  • do_spin_temp (bool, optional) – Whether to use spin temperature in the calculation, or assume the saturated limit.

  • z_step_factor (float, optional) – How large the logarithmic steps between redshift are (if required).

  • z_heat_max (float, optional) – Controls the global Z_HEAT_MAX parameter, which specifies the maximum redshift up to which heating sources are required to specify the ionization field. Beyond this, the ionization field is specified directly from the perturbed density field.

  • ctx_variables (list of str, optional) – A list of strings. The strings must correspond to any (pickleable) member of py21cmfast.Coeval. These will be stored in the context on every iteration. Omitting as many as possible is useful in that it reduces the memory that needs to be transmitted to each process. Furthermore, in-built pickling has a restriction that arrays cannot be larger than 4GiB, which can be easily over-run. Some typical options are: * “brightness_temp” * “xH_box” * “density” * “velocity” * “Gamma12_box”

  • initial_conditions_seed (int, optional) – If not change_seeds_every_iter, then this will define the random seed on which the initial conditions for _all_ iterations is based. By default, a seed will be chosen at random, _unless_ initial conditions exist in cache that match the parameters of this instance (and regenerate is False). In this case, the seed of the existing box will be adopted.

Other Parameters:
  • store (dict, optional) – The (derived) quantities/blobs to store in the MCMC chain, default empty. See Notes below for details.

  • cache_dir (str, optional) – The directory in which to search for the boxes and write them. By default, this is the directory given by direc in the configuration file, ~/.21CMMC/config.yml. Note that for reading data, while the specified direc is searched first, the default directory will also be searched if no appropriate data is found in direc.

  • cache_ionize (bool, optional) – Whether to cache ionization data sets (done before parameter retention step). Default False.


The store keyword is a dictionary, where each key specifies the name of the resulting data entry in the samples object, and the value is a callable which receives the context, and returns a value from it.


the store callable is saved to the core instance, which must be pickleable in order to use multiprocessing. Thus it is generally unwise to use a lambda function as the callable.

This means that the context can be inspected and arbitrarily summarised before storage. In particular, this allows for taking slices of arrays and saving them. One thing to note is that the context is dictionary-like, but is not a dictionary. The elements of the context are only available by using the get method, rather than directly subscripting the object like a normal dictionary.


Only scalars and arrays are supported for storage in the chain itself.


__init__(redshift[, user_params, ...])


Compute all data defined by this core and add it to the context.


Generate random mock data.

prepare_storage(ctx, storage)

Add variables to dict which cosmoHammer will automatically store with the chain.


Perform setup of the core.


Generate all mock data and add it to the context.



Reference to the LikelihoodComputationChain containing this core.


The first core that appears in the requirements.


Names of the parameters of the full chain.
