Source code for py21cmmc.analyse

"""Functions to analyse the results of MCMC chains.

Also enables more transparent input/output of chains.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path
from py21cmfast import yaml

from .cosmoHammer import CosmoHammerSampler, HDFStorage

[docs] def get_samples(chain, indx=0, burnin=False): """ Extract sample storage object from a chain. Parameters ---------- chain : :class:`~py21cmmc.cosmoHammer.CosmoHammerSampler` or str Either a :class:`~py21cmmc.cosmoHammer.CosmoHammerSampler`, which is the output of the :func:`~py21cmmc.mcmc.run_mcmc` function, or a path to an output HDF5 file containing the chain. indx : int, optional This is used only if `chain` is a string. It gives the index of the samples in the HDF file. Usually this is zero. burnin : bool Whether to return the burnin samples, rather than the actual run samples. Returns ------- store : a :class:`~py21cmmc.cosmoHammer.HDFStore` object. """ if isinstance(chain, CosmoHammerSampler): return ( chain.storageUtil.sample_storage if not burnin else chain.storageUtil.burnin_storage ) elif isinstance(chain, str): if not chain.endswith(".h5"): chain += ".h5" elif isinstance(chain, Path): if chain.suffix != ".h5": chain = chain.with_suffix(".h5") else: raise AttributeError( "chain must either be a CosmoHammerSampler instance, str or Path" ) return HDFStorage(chain, name="burnin" if burnin else "sample_%s" % indx)
[docs] def load_primitive_chain(modelname, direc="."): """ Load a chain file produced by :func:`~py21cmmc.mcmc.run_mcmc` to be interactively useable. Parameters ---------- modelname : str Model name of the MCMC run. direc : str Directory in which data was stored. Returns ------- chain : :class:`~py21cmmc.cosmoHammer.LikelihoodComputationChain` The fully set-up chain, with no computed samples. """ with open(join(direc, modelname + ".LCC.yml")) as f: chain = yaml.load(f) chain.setup() return chain
[docs] def corner_plot( samples, include_lnl=True, show_guess=True, start_iter=0, thin=1, **kwargs ): """ Make a corner plot given samples. Parameters ---------- samples: :class:`py21cmmc.cosmoHammer.HDFStorage` instance The ``samples`` attribute of a sampler (i.e. the return value of :func:`~.mcmc.run_mcmc`), or equivalently, the return value of :func:`~get_samples`. include_lnl: bool, optional Whether to plot the log-likelihood as if it were a parameter. show_guess: bool, optional Whether to show the initial guess as "truths" in the corner plot. start_iter: int, optional The first iteration to include in the plotted samples. thin: int, optional Use only every "thin" sample to plot. kwargs: All kwargs are passed directly to the `corner` function from the `corner` package. Returns ------- fig: Matlotlib figure object. """ try: from corner import corner except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Please install the corner package to use this function (``pip install corner``)" ) chain = samples.get_chain(discard=start_iter, thin=thin) lnprob = samples.get_log_prob(discard=start_iter, thin=thin) niter, mwalkers, nparams = chain.shape if show_guess: guess = list(samples.param_guess[0]) labels = list(samples.param_names) if include_lnl: plotchain = np.vstack((chain.T, np.atleast_3d(lnprob).T)).T.reshape( (-1, nparams + 1) ) if show_guess: guess += [None] labels += ["lnL"] else: plotchain = chain.reshape((-1, nparams)) fig = corner( plotchain, labels=labels, truths=guess if show_guess else None, smooth=kwargs.get("smooth", 0.75), smooth1d=kwargs.get("smooth1d", 1.0), show_titles=True, quantiles=kwargs.get("quantiles", [0.16, 0.5, 0.84]), ) return fig
[docs] def trace_plot( samples, include_lnl=True, show_guess=True, start_iter=0, thin=1, colored=False ): """ Make a trace plot given samples. Parameters ---------- samples: :class:`py21cmmc.cosmoHammer.HDFStorage` The ``samples`` attribute of a sampler (i.e. the return value of :func:`~py21cmmc.mcmc.run_mcmc`), or equivalently, the return value of :func:`~get_samples`. include_lnl: bool, optional Whether to plot the log-likelihood as if it were a parameter. show_guess: bool, optional Whether to show the initial guess as "truths" in the corner plot. start_iter: int, optional The first iteration to include in the plotted samples. thin: int, optional Use only every "thin" sample to plot. colored: bool, optional Whether to use a color-cycle to color each walker. Otherwise each trace is black. Returns ------- fig, ax: Matlotlib figure and axis objects. """ nwalkers, nparams = samples.shape if include_lnl: nparams += 1 chain = samples.get_chain(thin=thin, discard=start_iter) lnprob = samples.get_log_prob(thin=thin, discard=start_iter) fig, ax = plt.subplots( nparams, 1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={"hspace": 0.05, "wspace": 0.05}, figsize=(8, 3 * nparams), ) for i in range(nwalkers): for j, param in enumerate(samples.param_names): ax[j].plot( chain[:, i, j], color="C%s" % (i % 8) if colored else "k", alpha=0.75, lw=1, ) ax[j].set_ylabel(param) if show_guess and not i: ax[j].axhline(samples.param_guess[param][0], color="C0", lw=3) if include_lnl: ax[-1].plot( lnprob[:, i], color="C%s" % (i % 8) if colored else "k", alpha=0.75, lw=1, ) ax[-1].set_ylabel("lnL") return fig, ax